Sell Your Home Fast with These Tips!
As an Oklahoma Realtor®, I am often interviewed by friends, family and prospective clients on what action steps they can take if they ever considered needing to sell their home. Having open and honest two-way communication is critical to a successful home sale.
Usually the conversation starts off with the most obvious steps such as removing clutter, curb appeal, and of course cleaning the property. When we dig into the subject further, the more advanced and effective steps of home staging, structural maintenance and even buyer bonus compensation come into play. Here are a few tips that I have found that make the selling of your Oklahoma home a more likely candidate for success:
Correct big problems:
In case your home has a huge issue that may turn lots of prospective buyers off, repair it! Shag carpets in the family room? Think about changing this out by using brand new carpets. Non-working water softener? Shell out the money to get this fixed, or purchase a brand new one. Large hole in the wall structure? Get some good drywall and repair the defect. Unpleasant peeling linoleum within the kitchen area? Put in place brand new floor coverings. Anything that may cause immediate angst for the home ought to be repaired, as long as this isn’t too costly. Remember to place yourself in the position of the prospective home buyer!
Correct less significant trouble spots throughout the house:
Go throughout the home and take notes of all the little stuff that will need correcting that could be a turnoff to some prospective new home buyer. Take the time to go around and deal with those things one at a time. If you recognized them, the buyer will certainly as well! Put yourself in the home buyer’s shoes.
Think about staging the home:
When you want a fast clean sale, I have recommended to my clients that they actually stage the house to make the rooms feel more spacious, give it a less cluttered look and a make people feel more at home. In the living room I have suggested that clients go ahead and remove several larger pieces of furniture, and replace them with smaller more luxurious pieces. Try using a different layout when you place the furniture. Also remember to take down your personal photos! Put up framed art pieces. Make the room more ‘neutral’. Remove all those magnets and photos from the fridge. Put up nice valances on the windows.
Watch a lot of home improvement television and media presentations:
Both cable and internet outlets like YouTube have many good shows and episodes on home renovation and decorating. Try to emulate what the experts do to stage a beautiful and sellable house!
Offer sales bonuses to agents or buyers:
Consider offering a bonus to your real estate agent to bring in a full price offer, or offer to pay closing costs for a buyer (this might be especially attractive for first time buyers). I’ve even heard of buyers offering to pay a year’s worth of homeowner’s association fees. Be creative.